Sunday 8 February 2015

Choose to be Your-TRUE-Self

hello Fabulous Followers!!!

in a world where everyone is representing a version of themselves in many different situations, from their work environment to their own life - believe me, that happen!!! - being Your-True-Self is a very hard task!

...therefore, this time...

...#DFBlogMood Rubric is about you 

Emma Watson

the search for your-true-self essence is not always easy! When you born, a lot of expectations are put into a singe little human, who will keep growing and sometimes feeling repressed because of the nonsense black or white rules of society! Ask Holly - Audrey Hepburn character - from Breakfast at Tiffany's - I have seen this week & I loved - she keeps looking around for the richest men under 50s even if it means being a whole new person - or should I say character?! - and just in the end, she accepts the real love of her life!


Will you wait until you are old to be

my dear reader, take & shake yourself! Go around I try new things! TRY NEW CLOTHS, DO YOUR HAIR, DO YOUR MAKE-UP, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY & SOUL and in the end, the world will open a new whole door, window & whatever just for you SHINE

LOVE YOURSELF | Luís de Oliveira


1 comment:

  1. That is a really cool photo!!

